As the Evolve website states, "Evolve's mission is to empower our students to achieve a healthier, happier, and more productive life through the martial arts."
We asked a few members of the Evolve Instructor Team about what this mission means to them personally. Here is what they had to say:
"Man, our job is to change lives! This is it. This is what makes me excited. If I don't make a person's life better, then I am not doing my job. Jiu-jitsu gave me everything in my life. I love to see when a student improves in BJJ, in health, in confidence, in life, in everything. I love BJJ. This is my life. And I am passionate about helping others. I am most happy when I see that BJJ has made someone's life better. This is it! We make a better life for everyone."
-BJJ World Champion Rafael "Gordinho" Lima
"I love Evolve. Everyone at Evolve makes me so happy. Happy! I love Muay Thai and when I see people smile, it makes me smile. I want to teach Muay Thai to help people. When they can protect themselves, then I know that I have helped them. Muay Thai is good health. Muay Thai is discipline. Muay Thai can give confidence. I love to help people. I love to see my students improve in their lives. Why am I here? Man, I love Evolve. This is why I am here!"
-Daorung "Papa" Sityodtong
"A few weeks ago, we received a phone call at Evolve. The mother of one of our students wanted to speak to me. She spent the next 20 minutes thanking me profusely for changing her son's life. We didn't know it at the time, but he was going through a very difficult time and was on the verge of destroying his life. His mom said that Evolve was his savior because it had become his second family and that we had inspired him to do something with his life. I will admit that my eyes got watery at that point. After I hung up the phone, I told Gordinho that this is why we do what we do. Our job is to inspire our students to achieve greatness in their own lives. He nodded and gave me a huge smile."
-Chatri Sityodtong
"Muay Thai has given me everything in my life. I want to give everything back to everyone that I teach. This is the circle of life. This is what I believe in. I was an orphan at 7 years old. For years, I lived on the streets as a child slave to mafia. I had no hope. I had no dreams. But then I was rescued and Muay Thai came into my life. It gave me dreams and hope when I had none. I didn't even know how to dream or how to hope for a better day. Muay Thai gave me that power. I want to give all of my students the power to hope and the power to dream in their lives. With Muay Thai, they can do anything they want to do in any area of their life. Because Muay Thai gives discipline, mental strength, resilience, confidence, and good health. I am at Evolve because I love Evolve, because I love my students, because I want to give everything that was given to me."
-Muay Thai World Champion Yoddecha Sityodtong
Evolve Mixed Martial Arts® is the premier brand of MMA academies in Asia. Evolve ranks among the top academies in the world for Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Evolve Mixed Martial Arts. Achieve Greatness Within.